Can CAP Help Pay Rent in Longview?

In Longview, there are various programs available that can assist residents with rent payments. The Community Action Program (CAP) offers emergency rental assistance, which can help prevent eviction by covering application fees, first month’s rent, and security deposits for eligible individuals. This program is particularly focused on those living with HIV and aims to provide immediate financial relief.

Additionally, Longview Community Ministries (LCM) provides rental assistance to families in need. They can help with a portion of rent, but assistance is limited to once every five years per family. LCM’s support is designed to address immediate housing crises and ensure families can maintain their homes.

To access these services, residents should contact the respective organizations directly. For CAP, individuals can reach out to the Emergency Rent Assistance Coordinator via email or phone to inquire about eligibility and set up an appointment. Similarly, LCM requires families seeking assistance to meet with their staff to determine the specific support available based on individual circumstances.

Overall, both CAP and LCM play crucial roles in supporting Longview residents facing financial hardships related to housing.

James Parris

Co-authored by:
James Parris
Staff Writer at FactsCircle

Articles by James Parris

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